Thursday 6 September 2012

Sweet nd sour day

The day was both sweet nd bitter at the same time....I realised how much he meant to me....bcoz each tym when i feel someone else's presence between us i feel like my heart shattering to pieces...I was soo happy when i saw that pic but when i saw that comment i felt like  killing myself...thousands of thoughts came to my mind...but still i have a firm belief that he belongs to me nd no one else nd that he feels the same way day i'ld definetely be his own nd he mine in all senses and then all these thoughts would become meaningless....Though i have shred about an ocean of just seems so nice when it was meant for really scares me sometime when i see how much I love him....there seemed no particular reason for
it bcoz he is my whole life nd world...

Going to miss him these days like crazy.......because i really really love him

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