Wednesday 25 July 2012

Another day of day dreaming.....

24 hrs 7 days 12 months....7/24/12 .....I am completely lost in u

Today morning i woke up so refreshed and i felt so happy ..... those wonderful dreams....God !! please make those true...

This morning as i could think was about matter whatever i did, u managed to appear each and every minute...when my friend called in late....I managed to spare some time to modify the blog...nothing seems enough ..nd  I keep on editing making changes......This is becoming my favorite pastime...writing the blog and dreaming about u...:)

I was desperately hurrying my works and looking at the clock for like each and every minute hoping the clock to strike 5...and after getting fresh...i ran frantically...logged in and my inner soul was jumping in joy....u were online and there was an evening wish...definitely a sign that u missed me... :) I messaged ....kept on messaging....minutes passed ...still no reply ... :( last a msg from u......:)... and i felt like my soul hugging me...and when u said that u had a chatter problem i was half relieved പിണങ്ങിയതല്ല ...

After some time u said that u missed me too.... :D and my soul  was like jumping up and down...felt so happy and while i went to light the candle as that came to my mind was u and my family...'what r u doing to me ? whatever it is i feel happy' ...the words that came to my repeatedly  was 'everything'll be fine '.....

I was hoping my cousin would come back so that i can go to my room and we'ld get some privacy....and yippee!!! yes she came :D :D ...thanks to her....

When u told me ur dream today...I felt like giving lots and lots of apologies.....and i hope that our dreams become true...

Those words you told me when i asked u how u felt when u missed me ' Luking ma
browser/phone 4 ur reply..Out of wordz...Every sec lyk hourz' :- I am literally speechless....I am THE HAPPIEST ONE in this universe....Leaving my heart in ur hands.....I'm sure u'ld take gud care of it...

At last I was a little scared ....but I still hope that everything'l be fine for sure.....bcoz everything happens for a reason...and i believe that in ur case its for my good...

Another sweet day has gone....beginning with u and ending with u.... U r the best feeling that's ever happened to me....

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