Tuesday 31 July 2012

Day after a big storm ..........

Last night was something that I didn't want to experience anymore..But I realize that this is nothing compared to the problems we have to face in the future..so a little experience is really good..Eventhough the evening was drastic ,the night turned out to be pretty good,except for ur chatter problem in the midst...and I did something that I cant even believe till now,'Called u at night!!'....u must be pretty shocked urself...but u need to ask for things accordingly.....and I need to control myself....It seems I cant deny anything u ask......

Today,as I woke up ,the didnt miss u ,bcoz u  were in my dreams and we were continuing with out chat...after some time I left u a msg,(gud mrng),somehow I sensed u were still sleeping....after sometime I logged into the chat nd u were nt there...definitely sleeping thn....I felt to give u some time.,but later when I started missing u,I left u a msg to wake up... ''sry.. :p " and u came at last...I guessed u was still in the hangover of yesterdays sleep, smiling inward,I asked u about the dream...nd then it came...."ANGEL"-"lying with u" ," not letting u go" ,and the one that really freaked me out "she's lying with her head on ur chest" :@ :@ ....that was way beyond i could accept....even if one side of my mind keep telling me u r teasing me,the other side was driving me nuts....as days pass ,I am getting more nd more possessive.....If I could control it......I know that u needed ur space but still I couldnt bear sharing u with anybody or anything....I know this character of mine would make u mad one day....I really hope a day like that would never come....I definitely need to control my emotions....

Later ur chat session ended nd I went on with my training...desperately trying to finish it...at noon my parents had to go out, and I thought of calling u...then expecting ur reply call, I went to bed ,since I was tired of waking up early....nd then came ur call, somehow energy seemed to flush up in me..and I dialed u.....as usual u went on with ur teasing.... went on and on ...all I could do was sharply take in the breath hiding my anger and cluching on to my moms cloth hanging ....as soon as I realise the cloth is on the verge of tearing...I let go,nd choose to walk a bit ....again our talk went on and on and trying to sound as normal as I can ,I told u to do as u wish ,go with whoever u want,,nd I dont mind....u as well as me knew the extent to which it is true....(definitely not frm my mind)..I thought i'd try to make u feel the same way too ,but u seemed so carefree...(Is this only my specialty..being jealous)....hmmm......

Then u asked me an apology...why should it have to be me always giving u,nd u never return... :(  ...anyways the debt is rising so u need to find a way to solve it.... :p....The neighbour cow seem to go in sync with our conversation.... clever cow ..... then u asked me whether I know whom I am giving these apology ....yes,u r right ,I never imagined anything how u'ld look ,but its necessary that we need to meet nd we both need to see.... hmm....we need to find a way...
Time was going like anything, my bills r going to be high ....and as to conclude our talk as always u asked for an apology ....I needed u to give one b4 I'd give anymore ,but my parents returned...and all I could think was giving u lots and lots of apologies, and I gave u like many ,I didn't even bothered to count it... 

Later I had to get fresh, help mom and I tried to keep myself busy..My parents went out again but I didnt call u..I didnt want u to get caught also I was tired nd I needed some sleep...leaving u to ur songs ...all I could think was how we'd meet and how we'd react..what u'ld feel ...nd all..leaving it all in the hands of God...let things turn out in its own way...As u said yesterday,let u get all what u wished for...I'd pray for ur good ... hope u r having a gr8 evng

Missing u a lot and lot ...more than u'ld ever think of....waiting for aug 6th , 6 MORE DAYS TO GO.... feeling like being beside u nd hearing ur worries nd of course ur teasing too....what should i do to tease u nd make u feel the same way I do....one day I'll definitely find it....but this is what u make me feel ..I want all of u forever ,just you and me, everyday....

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