Tuesday 28 August 2012

B'day wishes to my sweetheart ....

The First B'day of my sweetheart with me....I want it to be the loveliest day of his entire life...Though I wont be with him practically, I left my heart with him, nd it'll be with him everywhere he goes.....Love him sooo madly...cant wait to be his own....God plz let me be with him as soon as u allow......I want him as my own....I want to spent by whole time with him...being his own ....

Sending him warm birthday wishes from the bottom of my hearts....Today mrng as he wake up I want him to feel my sweet apology on his forehead....then on his nose...his cheeks.....his lips....followed by an attack there :D ....then to his neck....hmmmm............all these butterflies makes me crazy......but love these being a gift from my sweetheart......My own.....

May God bless him with all the happiness and fulfill all his wishes and dreams....praying for letting me be a part of it...to share his sorrows nd happiness......want to be with him till my last breath....love u dearrrrrr

I'll always hold ur hands nd be with u till the ma last breath

I'll hug u tightly to let u feel how much i love u

Apology on ur forehead....for my care

Apology on lips..for my love

Thursday 23 August 2012

First Meeting....

Last night I went again through all the things I was going to give him...Thought of writing down what I had in my mind...Through my sleepy eyes I wrote it.....Kept it with the rest and then after praying For a gr8 day tomorrow,I went to bed...I was too excited to sleep, but somehow I managed imagining him near to me...feeling a great sense of relief...there's no need to be tensed...one day or other this is going to happen....

Today morning,I woke up seeing my mother, good sign, good luck....Suddenly some feeling came my senses...Ho..I'am going to see him for real.....Butterflies seemed to be flying in my stomach.....praying for a gud day, I stepped out of the bed....Everything seemed to be normal...I lighted the candle as usual and prayed to my dearest god, to make everything normal and carefree...i lost my appetite but managed to eat something.....rustled to get ready......I got delayed....but managed to get into the bus...I messaged u nd waited for ur response...to ease my feelings,I played some gud songs, felt gud...nd then came his call....I told  to call me when he reach there....

As the bus neared the place, I started getting nervous...felt every eyes looking me...maybe there's a smile on my face..they might think i am crazy...I stepped out of my bus..nd I had to add something to my gift...I rushed to the shop...Oh GOD!! how will i ask it? My first time...gathering all  my guts I asked the shopkeeper the red rose... another one of the helper boy came to my help...showed some but they didnt look so good ...seeing my face, he showed me another set ...my fav type,cute nd tiny.....He seemed to understand my situation...Helped me in selecting one....I gave a warm thankful smile nd left....so finally over with the gift....I looked the watch...maybe I have more time...so I went to finish the other work...just as I entered the shop..I got a call ...God ,has he reached?

He was asking me where to get down...I decided to go to the bus stand.....Felt like time running....within some minutes I will be meeting him...As I got there,I went to stand in a place more secluded and just as I got there,I got the call, asking me where I was...so,..we were just some feets away,I scanned my eyes across different direction, looking for a person with mobile,I saw 1 or 2 , but not him,  finally my heart stopped for a sec...his face, about 10 feet away, recognised him all of a sudden...I walked towards him...The first thing I noted was ,Thank God , he has height !!!...:D ..so problem solved....first thing was as usual " hello" ....I tried to catch a quick glimpse ....Loved the way he was...loved everything,  eyes, eyebrows, the way of talking, but I didnt think that he watched me like that,I asked him about his hands ,seeing his hands, I resisted my urge to hold his hands and get a better look of it, but he dropped down his hands, hmm maybe after some time .....and as usual carefree talking,which i love soo much
I didnt feel any tension in facing him,even not after being aware that he was meeting me for the first time....we decided to take a walk,i was completely lost, had no sense where i was going...there were times when we spoke ,times when we remain silent....being nervous of walking by the side...i tried to walk as close as possible....i felt i bumped him several times....but it strangely felt good, walking beside someone,not just someone , the one who was meant for me....great feeling....i felt some angels stealing glances, tried to suppress my feelings,.....we continued our walk....at times, i felt like grabbing ur arms, but this is public....hmm......while crossing the roads i felt like holding his arms, still resisted it.....felt like several staring at us...whats there to look anyway...a boy nd girl walking,as simple as that,why does everyone seem to have a problem with this....felt soo gud, walking by the sides...he seems to be fast, but i'll catch up to it,surely,i managed to stare at him for about 5 or 6 time....have he seen me for sure...i dont think so....whenever he turns his face to  look me,as if my relfex i would turn my face....maybe to hide my embarrassment...I have a strong feeling to look at ur eyes, hmmm.....not a nice place to meet...so much rush.....finally we decided to go back to the bus stand.....after reaching there we tried to get glimpse of each other.....different timings, but i could feel when he looked at me....i felt several eyes staring us, felt so uncomfortable....felt like sitting somewhere and talk to u like for hours.....hmm......at a point he asked me if i was ok? ohh plz dont misunderstand its not u...its the other eyes....i tried to look at u several times...at last u said to leave..oh no...not now...hmm....but we didnt get our privacy,its better to leave..

The rest of the day, all I could think was his talking...i see his face when i close my eyes....felt really good....hope he felt the same way....the feeling was so intense....felt like my life is meant for him and him only....I wanted to meet him again, next time more private,where we could sit nd talk,...stare each other..look into the eyes...share the hopes nd plans for future.......Love him soooooo much.......My guy, only mine.......

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Love u sooooooooooo much.....

I am deeply, madly, crazily in love with u.....With all my hearts....With my whole soul ................Love u dear .......Thanking god for giving u in my life......Hope he'll make us one.........Feeling like hugging u nd give u apologies madly.... i'm definitely crazy

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Moody days...

Its been a week since I'd logged into my account...Today I missed this like anything....I cant judge my feelings right now..all I can say is that this is definitely not my days....Mind is filled to its brim...nd i'm dying to shout or say something  but what??I dont know.....kind of mixed emotions.....evrything else but not happy.....Keeping myself away from  everything.....even from the chat sometimes....feeling to sit alone take some time to myself, but nothing....I dont know what I feel...Maybe i'm just crazy

Days have passed and these days were just the most memorable days in my life...I havent talked to anyone this openely....it is like heaven....feeling filled up to the brim....nd I dont want nything else in my life....I'm just fully nd completely happy...Life hasnt been this fair to me ....I'm sort of loving this life now...

Then why do I feel this way....there is a period when all have to pass through a depression phase...Is that's what happening to me...eventhough i have no reason to cry,tears r brimming in my eyes....eventhough I there is no reason to be sad,I am moody.....Oh god!! please let me out of these.....I wanted to spend more time with him...plz..plz..plz..

To get rid of this boredom I startd a movie...nd guess what it was like oil added to the fire....I dont want a time like this..i want to be the normal me..happy nd cheerful...trying to make others happy...spending time with mickey...bringing smile to my parents face....making my spl one happy nd relaxed......I just want to be me!! ..For the first time in my life i didnt took my remote 2day...deliberately missed my serials.....ohh this time is killing me...I want a normal life.......:(

Maybe this is bcoz i missed this sunday.....tomorrow i'l be coming to u god,plz keep me normal...make my mind relaxed and focused....everything's gonna be ok...... really miss his voice.... god,plz I want the normal me back....no more of this disgusting feelings......miss him soo badly..........I'm going to bed hoping for a pleasant tomorrow.....church first ......

I miss my dear.........so badly,love u like nything........dont want to compare nything else to that feeling....I've nvr felt this strong feeling of affection to nyone else....mean a lot to me.....my whole life wouldnt be sufficient to express how i feel for u........

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Hormones Raging .......

I missed a day's post....there is nothing left to tell actually.....I told almost everything to u...my feelings, how u feel 2 me....for the first tym i told that 3 words, felt like world still at a moment between us....I wished I could be with u that moment...u mean the world to me....u r everything to me...I couldnt find ny words more than this...If there is anything I value dearer than me,that would be u
I miss u more than nything else...every seconds, all I can think about is u....in sleep ,wherever i go whatever i go...completely lost , mad nd crazy about u....sometimes I fear how much I love u...I haven't loved nyone like this b4 ...its completely a new feeling....God! plz dont end this..bcoz its a pleasant happy feeling...I havent had these much happy moments b4 in my life...feel like my life is full now...nothing more nothing less....completely unconditionally in love....

Even without seeing u ,u mean a lot to me..my only worry is the day when we'll meet.....what would u feel....what if i am nt upto ur expectations nd all...hope it will all turn out fine....

I want to continue with this feeling 4ever nd ever....hope we r really meant for each other....I havent asked for nything 4 my future life....jst a simple normal life...If I get u ,I would be the happiest luckiest one....God ,plz plz plz...asking u desperately......plz make everything fine between us....I havent felt like this before nd I dont want this to end ever...

Whatever I say,..it doesnt seem to be sufficient to express my feelings..feel like the world is just meant for us....feeling to be with u always, to comfort u, share with u  the happiness nd sorrows... Definitely I am on the verge of an emotional outbreak.... <3 u frm the bottom of my heart...

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Finally !!!

Yesterday as I was writing the blog ,an embarrassing incident occurred..I was pretty late yesterday...and I had sooo much to write ,as I was writing I got a gudnight msg...seeing the name I thought it was u,I was so happy ,nd told not to sleep, bcoz urs will be ready within 10 min, nyways happy seeing ur msg nd a kissing smiley...the reply was a wide grin....whn I completed I gave a gudnight msg, sleep tight,tc , kissing smiley....then came a reply , that he needed a treat for the last day....again thinking it was u,I said there's several debts for u,so clear it first,thn i'll give this one (i meant apology of course).....the next msg was he'll come with our classmates ....then something struck me nd whn I looked, Ohh!! its not u, its my classmate....What to do?....all I could think was telling him sry and the msg wasnt meant for u....Hoping he wouldnt get ny doubt,I told it was for my childhood frnd.....All he did was sending wide grin smiley saying its ok, nd he was going to call me to ask what happened.....nyways a complete blow to my head, as soon as I can I changed his name with a surname clg to it...Then I msged u telling the same, I hoped for a missed frm u...but nothing....nyways I went to bed

All that came to my dreams where, Me being a laughstock in front of  the whole class....then some bits of our first day meeting encounter, me being tensed... what to wear nd all .....and the dream went on its path ...at last I woke up and a sudden sense of happiness.....0 days left :D

Morning was pretty boring,so went to help mom,as I logged in ,I saw ur msg and jumped with joy.....at last back to normal routine....but thn I sensed ur mood....felt like u r hiding .....and the worst feeling, i felt like u getting bored of me...I tried as hard as I can but thn u asked that ridiculous qn...i felt like killing myself....the timing was so accurate and the electricity went off

I msg my reply,nd with a sad and heavy heart went to sleep..as I woke up ,I was nervous what ur reaction would be...so again logged in and msged u.....Again ur cold response ,u told ur morning was boring nd all...thn u told about that hr problem...hope that's the reason for this mood....Then  I asked u why u asked that qn....ur reply didnt quite convinced me...so out of nowhere tears came to my eyes.....

Later the evng and night was pretty good,bcoz I felt u relieved nd happy.....we went on our usual track..made plans on meeting....Ohh the next tension ...how will that turn out ?...Hoping everything will be fine nd leaving it in the hands of almighty....


Sunday 5 August 2012

Last day of waiting .... :D

There would have been a smile in my face for sure....That was the longest ,weirdest and and most romantic situation I'd ever experienced ...Apologies,different kinds,different backgrounds,with lights and without lights...cutest,sweetest,I hate to use this word but sexiest too...hmm....it seemed like an episode and to add the spice ,the thrilling part... I was speaking something very low, in fact murmuring into phone one night sneaking at my kitchen ...I remember every detail, the chair ,table nd all and suddenly out of nowhere my mom rushes into kitchen, I was whispering and seeing her ,I panicked cut the call and placed the phone on the table...my heart was thumping hard...she looked so hard and asked who I was talking to, and she took the phone....I feared she might look the dialed calls....That was the last scene in my sense ...How could my dream be sweet nd sour at the same time? ..

As I woke up, I sat in my bed for a couple of minutes to make sure it was a dream... then I  remembered its sunday, thn as usual comes my call ...my mom and father shouting out my name... why do they have to shout ? ..what would cost them to just come near me and gently say that....It seems that shouting is the only way they can communicate .... With disgust, I step out ,prayed for a nice day in my mind , and then came a big bright sense of happiness ....last day of waiting ,from tomorrow back to online കത്തി വെക്കല്‍  ....not a completely bad day....

I get fresh and dressed to go to church....At church throughout my prayers ,I remembered u and my family and frnds ... Prayed everything to go well and smoothly,everything to be good....back from church, I looked my phone and then saw it crowded with msgs,...FRIENDSHIP DAY!! ..ohh i totally forgot it...I typed the reply to almost everything and some special one to my dear friends...Then I felt bored sitting nothing to do...thought of giving u a msg...I didnt think I could call u today...Then I logged into my account ..after sometime I noticed ur like notices on the left...so u must be there too ...As I was going to say hlo...there came ur msg....The first think that came to my mind was to ask whether that ihrd was there too.....that girl is surely to be my victim one day!!!......then u said u had to tell something....as u insisted u have to tell it on the phone...I sensed it'ld be a girl matter,, thn came in my mind that mangalore one....Does these girls have no other job?...thousands of boys hanging freely ,why messing here....god,plz have mercy on me....u said she's online there now....I'd kill her !!.....time went on....nyways tomorrow is my day.....I get u all for myself and nobody else....ohh!! If u had been here I'd have given u thousands of hits...thank god ..u r saved...To add my tensions there came a msg ,of the one I mentioned,soo much emotional, I thought I'd better say, I'm not interested straightaway ,I expressed it in a lighter manner telling I am nt planning 4 a marriage atleast for 2 yrs...to my despair,he said his parents are looking for a girl and he thought of asking me, nd he too is in an opinion of getting married after 2 or 3 yrs...I gave him a k, nd set my chat again....Its better to ignore ....

After 5.00 to my luck,my parents went to drop my cousin(she's lucky for me sometimes)...I dialed u as soon as I can ,I couldnt wait to hear what u had to say...To my despair u didnt say anything properly...Said that mangalore one called u...and also there was a call from an unknown number...hmm....I hate ur vodaphone completely ,in every sense.....network ,the operators and also the customer care.......As we went on, I was actually not planning to tell this one,but came to my mouth...abt that guy....and then :@ :@, ur i'msoocool reply,,I felt like dying thousand deaths, come there strangle ur neck with my hand (but not to kill u definitely) , chasing u and giving u a nice blow... such a cold response....:( hmm.....then u told u want to get me angry....seriously...if I get angrier than this I'ld be worse ....a mere apology would never calm me then......and thn my parents returned,I was abt to give u apology,whn u asked for it....this tym too,I didnt ask urs...what a fool.....when am I going to get a proper one from u...Either u wont give,or whn u r ready,I wont be asking.... :(
next tym surely

Hopefully tomorrow, I get back with my normal routine....spending hours with u....talking needs recharge....We have a plan to meet, oh!! how would it turn out?....nervous and happy at the same time...

Tomorrow, I need to fire u (but what to say)....anyways I'm still mad at u... :p just a little but mad definitely

Ho!! feeling great after expressing everything , every frustration here....
Waiting for a gr8 day tomorrow....feeling like the tops of the world, a full morning without u, but I can manage bcoz the time is getting less....not a full 24 hr left....Praying for a superb dream filled with suspense and thrills....hoping u too have a gr8 one, this tym if u go for any angels u r definitely going to enjoy tomorrow bcoz I'l definitely freak out.... hope u sleep well and tight ,without waking up at 2 or 3.....without any vodafone interruption.....

Pink Rose nd Coffee for dreams :p

Saturday 4 August 2012

Pretty fine day....

As I woke up today,I felt nervous...eventhough it was a great one,I was feeling bad....To worsen it up ,I got a cold too, I took some pills....I spent a gr8 deal of time thinking wear an I went for a simple and cute one ,white nd dark green print.....As usual I got  firing from my dear father for being late.... Ohh!! I feared this is definitely not my day and somehow went with my parents...On the way I kept my mouth shut and face somewhat hostile...on my way I got the call from my friend who is goin to be receiving the prize along with me..she said our name was announced to be seated ...ohh!! another flaw from me,my father was right I am indeed late..
As we made it to college half an hour b4 the scheduled time,I was on the verge of embarrassment ,my father was as cool as if it was he who studied there...i saw the stage,the crowd was so big,I felt like running back..Me and my friend was given a seat specially at the front...I felt my legs shaking...I felt the same feeling from my friend beside me,so its not only me...we went on with our hostel and future discussions,...time passed by ,the crowd was getting thick..more nd more of press and politicians...I was running my eyes across the entire length to see someone familiar and giving them smiles...at last he time came,the chief guests came and sat on the stage...some boring and some inspirational speeches ,then one of our junior came and told us to come backstage, Finally the time!!....with shivering legs we approached the backstage and there we were met my our teachers,they managed to give us congrats and then they started the announcement, First went my from from electronics and the hoooo me...I took a look at the audience ,saw my parents ,my father was frantic ,I took a look at my mom,she was smiling , ... I felt soo happy at that time...I gave something for my parents to be happy about..this is what I wanted ...I felt much braver...I went and received that one...I walked out with my friend ...and then all I could think about was u...so I msged u...then came ur call back ,same time my appa also called so I had to cut that and then I called u , hearing ur voice made me indeed more happy ...

After leaving the function, I started feeling the effect of pills,I  was feeling dizzy and a slight headache ....as I reached home ,I logged in to see u online ,whn u were nt there I dialed u, felt good....and when u said u could have come everyday ,i felt like giving u a pinch....but then I felt that it made me realise how much I miss u....think always positively......seeing the better side of it,I felt its ok....my headache was killing me and I felt more dizzy....with jst 1% mind I asked if I could go offline...I really wanted to sit there,but my brains was opposing it...I thought I;d call u later,b4 my parents are back...as fast as I can I dumped myself into bed....when I opened my eyes and looked my parents were back and I felt  sad I didnt  call u...I left u a msg....I was scared if u will feel bad......Hope I could call u tomorrow....

the rest of evening was soo boring.....then I called my brother and talked to him for hours... I felt good and calm...It is his birthday today...Praying my god give all the happiness in his life...take it from me and give it to him....bcoz he is the best that anyone can have...I missed u soo much while I talked to my brother ,felt like talking to u,  and  let ur life be filled with with all that u desire...like the way u want it ,praying to god ,for u ,ur happiness, bcoz u r really someone special to me,a gud person ,one I can trust ... ohh!! miss u so much ,less than 48 hrs left now....want to get back with my typing skills....

I love hearing to your worries and sharing mine with u...love talking to u...love missing u so dearly, ...I just hope that u say everything to me without any hiding and feeling of hurting me.....I can promise u that u would never hurt me ...My eyes r heavy again ....feeling to sleep again.....with all the sweet memories of u ....48 hrs only....the clock starts ticking ....there will come a time when we meet,looking forward for it....

Friday 3 August 2012

Can't wait till 6th ..... :(

Yet another morning missing u.....I woke up today with a feeling of emptiness ..I looked for the time 7.15 ,my head was still heavy,...I looked at the mirror eyes were swollen and the pimple worsening,its definitely going to leave a mark on my face...I wondered what u'ld be doing and thought u'ld still be in bed..

I spent the rest of the day watching movie,reading magazines and then a sweet long chat with my mom...,advises...I felt a deep guilt inside me...hope everything  would be fine...I missed u a lot and to kill my  time I browsed the net ,played some boring games....and to my relief my parents decided to go out after 5.30 ...my soul was jumping up nd down...I rushed to leave u a msg ,asking if u r free...I jst expected a missed ...but thn came ur msg.... "WOWIEE "...ho...U sent me a  msg!!! hmmm.....loved it a lot.......

I kept on looking the clock to strike 5 ....my mom told me to cook and without much concentration I cooked something in a rush ...God knows how it'd taste ...at last 5 ,home alone .... :D :D I left u a msg and dialed u....thn came ur voice at the other end....felt a sense of relief in my mind as if ur voice is a soothing balm...u seemed so different from the usual tone...tension free....and romantic too....maybe bcoz of the hangover of the film....anyways loved it so much ...as usual u continue with ur usual teasing ..little less this time ...except with that ihrd adoor ....hope i'd get to know that girl and tell her to stop messing with my property.....hmm.....why does she have to chat whn she should be concentrating in her studies......feeling jealous....I felt really gud speaking to u...wish i could speak longer....these bills and time is definitely becoming the villains.....wondering if u r feeling the same way I feel...missing badly,suffocated ,desperately finding a way to kill time .......u r definitely changing me a lot,...I just dont want to get over with this feeling.....

I went back to my usual serials....with mind wandering somewhere...feeling lonely ..... why wouldn't the time pass.....the only thing I'm happy about is that its just 3 more days left.....

Thinking of tomorrow makes me nervous...but with u it seems easy....

Thursday 2 August 2012

Day of absolute boredom........

I woke up this morning after a very deep sleep,I didnt even remember any of my dreams .... I felt sad bcoz I want u in my dreams and everywhere where I am...I sensed today is going to be a boring day.....Mom was busy with household works..and I knew I'd never be able to call u today....felt really sad...I left u a msg hoping u'ld atleast have a gr8 day...

I was killing my time by watching movies...and I caught a glimpse of treasure hunter but it was the climax...I got a comment from my mom asking me what happened to ur face ,I rushed to the mirror ,there is a big pimple on my face...mom said someone's really thinking about me...eventhough its a superstition I loved to believe it and the pimple is really hurting me...for the first time I felt good about having marks in my face.....someone's is missing and thinking about me !!!

When I was on the verge of missing u I got a missed  from u..I looked and saw my mom busy ,so I rushed to my room and dialed u but u didnt pick...thought u'ld kept ur mobile somewhere...and waited ..after some time ,I again gt a missed frm u,but my mom was near me so I didnt dial u back..It was every bit of tom and jerry....when I was sitting alone I took a flash back ,all those days late night chatting,some embarrassing discussions :D ,our views on future partner and life ,places, dreams ,fog ,angel ,ur fav vin,the first time we talked, ,how u asked me that qn,how I reacted to it,one night that changed everything,my sleepless hours thinking over nd over confused,lyrics from BSB "my fav now", apologies, coffee, possessiveness ,the way u teased me , how I hurt u ,pink and red rose ,the plans we had ....so on... I thought of writing a post soon ......

Just as I finished it, I got a missed from u, like u have sensed it, It really made me miss u so badly I wanted to hear from u ....and then u called ..evn if it lasted for some sec,It was a huge relief for me....I came online asap ..and the first thing I noted was ur photo that brought a big smile on my face...we just had about 5 min and I had to tell u a lot...I frantically typed everything as soon as I can...and I felt happy u dreamt me ,chatting with u last night....the time passed like seconds....and then ur chatter went off ....ohh!! again  4 more days left.... I cant even wait a min more.....Missing u soo much ....

Hope the time pass quickly,I need those times again ,.....4 more days ...less thn 96 hrs ...hmm....and I am looking for good sweet baby names......

Saying good night ....feeling happy another day has passed....tomorrow another day less....


I'm sitting bored an lonely and all I could think of is u....Missing u sooo badly....The memories are rushing to my mind .....the time we spend and all those what we've discussed. .....sweet moments .....

I'm wondering what u r doing this time....hearing songs? movie ? or dialing ur fav customer care ? :p .... hope to hear ur voice 2day....if only i could get a chance......

Wednesday 1 August 2012

5 more days to go.......Count down starts now....

Dear blog,

This morning I  woke up fresh because I slept for many hours and in my dreams were u and me and of course sweet apologies...I was feeling soo happy and somehow I felt today is going to be nice....

Morning was good...I left u a msg, and I had to go for shopping with my father...everywhere I go ,I imagined u besides me and I was feeling that sort of energy...with a face full of wide grin...the people are going to think I am crazy....My morning went like that...wherever I go,I would look around ...hoping to see u r somewhere there.... whn I returned I saw ur missed and I was way beyond happy , u remembered me !!! :D :D ...If u were there at that moment I'd have covered u with apologies .... I learned that my parents would go out this evng, then I could call u ....I left u a msg  mentioning the same...hoping for a reply,eventhough I knew for sure u r not going to reply,but u know I can hope atleast....I didnt really feel bad bcoz I was happy I understand u well...

Desperately killing time till evng...I was rushing my parents out of my house...and at last alone :D...I dialled u and as usual ...ur so cute nd darling voice on the other end.... I'd kill myself for it....we continued our talk and u told me u didnt sleep last night...dat's not gud...I sleep like a baby and u hardly get to sleep some hours...hmm....hope u''ll get over it...I was scared at some point of our conversation were u did nearly get caught...plz dont get urself in trouble bcoz of me...I wanted to be the cause of ur happiness not the cause of ur new problems...As always u needed the apology... Sry to say but u r definetely a MISER ...Its bad manner to keep a girl waiting ... :p ....so I'm really looking forward to the time u'll return all these... it makes me smile thinking of it...u r definetely going to be out of ur breath.....Hope one day I'll get to see u...But I'm worried what u've imagined of me... It scares me if u r looking for a korean girl like beauty and zero size  figure......hmmm....hope u wont get too much of a shock :D .....what are we supposed to do that day ... GOD !!

I had to go to  church to see the last of our head of diocese....It was a tiresome waiting....all I enjoyed was seeing the sky and the most beautiful full moon with lots of stars..I missed u a lot..It 'ld have been a romantic view if we were both together....hope u have a gr8 night ...but not with sme other angels .....