Wednesday 8 August 2012

Hormones Raging .......

I missed a day's post....there is nothing left to tell actually.....I told almost everything to feelings, how u feel 2 me....for the first tym i told that 3 words, felt like world still at a moment between us....I wished I could be with u that moment...u mean the world to me....u r everything to me...I couldnt find ny words more than this...If there is anything I value dearer than me,that would be u
I miss u more than nything else...every seconds, all I can think about is sleep ,wherever i go whatever i go...completely lost , mad nd crazy about u....sometimes I fear how much I love u...I haven't loved nyone like this b4 ...its completely a new feeling....God! plz dont end this..bcoz its a pleasant happy feeling...I havent had these much happy moments b4 in my life...feel like my life is full now...nothing more nothing less....completely unconditionally in love....

Even without seeing u ,u mean a lot to only worry is the day when we'll meet.....what would u feel....what if i am nt upto ur expectations nd all...hope it will all turn out fine....

I want to continue with this feeling 4ever nd ever....hope we r really meant for each other....I havent asked for nything 4 my future life....jst a simple normal life...If I get u ,I would be the happiest luckiest one....God ,plz plz plz...asking u desperately......plz make everything fine between us....I havent felt like this before nd I dont want this to end ever...

Whatever I say, doesnt seem to be sufficient to express my feelings..feel like the world is just meant for us....feeling to be with u always, to comfort u, share with u  the happiness nd sorrows... Definitely I am on the verge of an emotional outbreak.... <3 u frm the bottom of my heart...

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