Tuesday 7 August 2012

Finally !!!

Yesterday as I was writing the blog ,an embarrassing incident occurred..I was pretty late yesterday...and I had sooo much to write ,as I was writing I got a gudnight msg...seeing the name I thought it was u,I was so happy ,nd told not to sleep, bcoz urs will be ready within 10 min, nyways happy seeing ur msg nd a kissing smiley...the reply was a wide grin....whn I completed I gave a gudnight msg, sleep tight,tc , kissing smiley....then came a reply , that he needed a treat for the last day....again thinking it was u,I said there's several debts for u,so clear it first,thn i'll give this one (i meant apology of course).....the next msg was he'll come with our classmates ....then something struck me nd whn I looked, Ohh!! its not u, its my classmate....What to do?....all I could think was telling him sry and the msg wasnt meant for u....Hoping he wouldnt get ny doubt,I told it was for my childhood frnd.....All he did was sending wide grin smiley saying its ok, nd he was going to call me to ask what happened.....nyways a complete blow to my head, as soon as I can I changed his name with a surname clg to it...Then I msged u telling the same, I hoped for a missed frm u...but nothing....nyways I went to bed

All that came to my dreams where, Me being a laughstock in front of  the whole class....then some bits of our first day meeting encounter, me being tensed... what to wear nd all .....and the dream went on its path ...at last I woke up and a sudden sense of happiness.....0 days left :D

Morning was pretty boring,so went to help mom,as I logged in ,I saw ur msg and jumped with joy.....at last back to normal routine....but thn I sensed ur mood....felt like u r hiding .....and the worst feeling, i felt like u getting bored of me...I tried as hard as I can but thn u asked that ridiculous qn...i felt like killing myself....the timing was so accurate and the electricity went off

I msg my reply,nd with a sad and heavy heart went to sleep..as I woke up ,I was nervous what ur reaction would be...so again logged in and msged u.....Again ur cold response ,u told ur morning was boring nd all...thn u told about that hr problem...hope that's the reason for this mood....Then  I asked u why u asked that qn....ur reply didnt quite convinced me...so out of nowhere tears came to my eyes.....

Later the evng and night was pretty good,bcoz I felt u relieved nd happy.....we went on our usual track..made plans on meeting....Ohh the next tension ...how will that turn out ?...Hoping everything will be fine nd leaving it in the hands of almighty....


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